Thank you!

Your photo was successfully uploaded and waiting for moderation! It will be reviewed shortly. After we REVIEW your submission, it will appear on the website in the correct Age Group Page (you will be notified about the review result).

It usually takes us up to 24hrs to complete the review.

We’ll let you know soon!

Remember to View & Vote for your favourite artworks in each Age Group and Share with your friends.

Well Done! You can now return to the competition by clicking on the Age Group Pages at the top.

If you had any issues, please see some helpful tips and contact details below.
– If you have uploaded your artworks well done, we will review them and update them to the website within 24hrs.
– If you have uploaded your artwork incorrectly, you can do the upload again, but please email your franchise owner to let them know to remove the old one.
– If you are not sure how to upload your artwork, read the instructions on the home page:

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